This little guy is 11 months old today!!

- Amari's two bottom teeth poked through
- He is learning to walk; he can now stand up without holding onto something, and he takes 4 steps on his own
- He now roams around the kids club at the gym with the big kids. He loves being out in the big play area and interacting with all the kids
- His smile lights up everyones day! All of the ladies at kids club absolutely adore him
- He is so busy; always on the go
- He loves the toilet; he often splashes in the water if I forget to shut the lid
- He LOVES taking baths; he gets so excited when he hears the water running
- He is getting more interested in reading books; he loves books and videos that showcase real babies
- He knows how to say all done in sign language; he knows how to wave when you say hello and goodbye; he knows how to blow kisses; and he knows how to give high 5
- The other day I found him in his crib after his nap, sitting up in the corner of his bed, fully awake, just sitting quietly looking off into the distance, patiently waiting for me to come get him (this moment completely melted my heart)
- Beckahm is getting so much more interested in playing with Amari and Amari couldn't be more pleased. If Amari is with a babysitter or isn't up from his nap when Beckahm is around Beckahm notices and says he misses his brother. Beckahm always loves waking up Amari from a nap and Amari loves seeing his brother.
- He loves trying to keep up with brother, especially when Beckahm rides his bike around the house (he tries holding on to the back of the bike)
- Amari loves playing with cars and playing with things that make noise. He LOVES music and he will dance or clap when he hears music
- He has a booming voice; when he does cry or when he wants to put himself to sleep he talks really loud.
- He LOVES food; he is so good at feeding himself and he can eat more food than any other baby I know.
- He loves wrestling; every night before bed I wrestle with the boys and he loves being tickled and wrestling with me and brother
- He giggles when you surprise him
- He loves opening and closing doors
Cutest smile ever; lights up my world!
Sweetest moment captured: Becks sharing his ice cream with brother!
Amari trying to keep up with big brother
Celebrating MLK Day. So grateful for all of those who continuously fight for humanity's freedom
First time he's really sat and watched TV. He loved watching Baby Einstiens sign language
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