I called Uncle Jared to get his opinion on Amari's cyst and ear infections. He advised me to get him off dairy immediately; usually constant ear infections are a side affect of a dairy allergy. I have been a tad worried about removing all milk from his diet so I give him some Goats Milk in the morning and night. He has seemed to improve with no dairy, and a diet that consists of mainly fruits and vegetables (Jared also informed me that you feed them food groups according to when their teeth come in. Molars are the last to come in so grains and nuts should be given last). Jared also thinks that the so called cyst in his neck is actually a lymph node and to wait before getting surgery and see if eliminating dairy will help it go down (he may always have a hard lump in the side of his neck because the lymph node got so agitated and infected during his sickness). I trust Jared. I wish we lived closer to he could check him, but I am going to do some research and see if I can find a naturopath to take my kids to. We did purchase some probiotics to administer to Amari, some vitamin D, chia seeds, coconut oil, and gluten free products to supplement his diet. I feel better already taking a step towards even better eating and better health in our family. It upsets me so much, doing a lot of reading lately, how much food has been genetically modified and how many people are sick with all sorts of diseases simply from food intolerance issues. If manufactures would have left our grains, dairies, and other foods in their pure form we wouldn't need to be on as many medications and so many sicknesses would not be prevalent today.
Ice cream is always a favorite in our house.
We officially took Amari off dairy to see if his ear infections would clear up; this was his last ice cream cone