Sunday best and sunday comfy
One of my favorite meals: breads, cheeses, hummus, grapes, olives, and all kinds of meats
Brother took younger brother for a morning stroll, up until he got an important phone call :)
Marcel's daughter came over for a play date; Beck's and her get a long so well, and it is so fun to watch Amari follow them around and try and keep up.
Oh this conversation was so funny. Becks: "Kai, you and I are going to be in Kindergarten soon." Kai: "yep". Becks: "well I'm a little afraid because I don't know what it's going to be like. Are you afraid Kai? Kai: "nope". Becks: "me neither!" 😂😂#kidssaythefunniestthings #buddies #becksandkai #playdate@kristinekayb I love her laugh, it is infectious!!
We haven't had a girl over for a play date since Ms. Britton Mae whom Becks still misses and talks about weekly (@corriejanelle move back already); it was awesome having a girl in the midst of all of this testosterone...if I can't have a girl, I may just adopt Kai @kristinekayb 😂😂 #beckskaiamari #playdate#girlsrule #dayofun
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A glimpse of our fun filled afternoon...Becks was so excited to have Kai over to play. I love seeing him interact with girls, he was practicing his "gentleman" skills all day #girlsalwaysgofirst #becksandkai #playdate #lunch #play#waterballoons #chase #soccer #playingoutside #dinner #dayofun@kristinekayb
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"Some where over the rainbow!"
I finished my dinner and found Becks like this, guess he didn't want to miss daddy coming home from his work trip.