Sunday, October 13, 2013

8 Months

  • I took you in to see the doctor because you have been having such a terrible time having bowel movements and have developed hemorrhoids.  Come to find out you also had an ear infection. You weighed 16.4lbs and you measured 27 1/2" long.  The doctor prescribed medicine for your ear infection and medicine to help loosen your stool (both seemed to help). 
  • You have started becoming really fussy (since around 7 months). You are constantly want to move around and touch everything; you are a very busy baby.  I can tell you are an explorer; you are so curious about everything.  
  • You have been wanting to walk more and more, even though you are crawling forward at a faster rate every day and can now sit up on your own and even go from your tummy to sitting.  So we bought you a walker.  You were a natural the moment I put you in that thing; you were walking around the kitchen, so excited that you finally got to keep up with Mommy and Beckahm.  I practice walking with you, letting you walk between my legs, and you are so good at turning around and going the opposite way.  
  • You have started talking up a storm; a little chatter box you have come to be.  
  • Your two front teeth have broken through (peeking through that is)
  • Amari loves people; he loves playing with Beckahm's friends.  He also loves trying to get others attention so he can smile at them.
  • He loves touching my face and my hair.  I never remember Beckahm pulling on my hair but Amari loves putting his hands in my mouth, touching my hair, etc.  
  • Amari loves being scared.  If you scare him he will laugh out loud
  • Bath time has been a bit harder lately because he wants to climb out of his whale tub and jump in the bath with brother. We had a scary near drowning experience the other day.  I was getting pjs out for the kids and Beckahm started screaming "help, help." I went in to see what was wrong and Amari had bailed out of his tub and had fallen into the big tub with Beckahm.  Beckahm saved his life.  Beck's is super protective of him now if he sees him trying to get out of his tub. 
  • Just the other day he started crawling towards me and using me to pull himself up