Sunday, November 3, 2013


These were our Halloween events spread out over the entire month of October.  Oh how we LOVE Halloween! Beckahm loves all of the traditions we have started from the decorations, to the dress up, to trick or treating.  


What an amazing time we had!! The kids loved it! Beck's got to ride on a spooky train through the zoo at night (his favorite part), watch a show that was a spoof of Despicable Me (Amari found this quite funny); he got to go trick or treating, he got to wander around the zoo and see all of the cool Halloween decoration; meet Captain America; play Halloween games and get prizes; ride on the "scarousel"....we simply LOVE Halloween!! 

My little superheroes get ready for Boo at the Zoo! 


 I was surprised with how brave he was with all the scary decorations 

walking up to meet Captain America.  He was beyond excited.  I was so thrilled for him to meet his favorite superhero! 

He was a little timid at how big Captain America was so I had to take pics with him.  I think he was in a state of shock that here his superhero stood right in front of him!

Love his cute face

 Just sharing his halloween candy with a goat :)

 I love that he is posing more for pics.  I told him to act scared: 
He LOVED sticking his head through these boards.  
 Cutest face ever!!

 A walk through Alice in Wonderland 

 All aboard the spooky train

 hmmm decisions, decisions, which candy should I choose 

Monster pudding 

Fun at Target playing dress up in these rad hair costumes

Date night with the dads! Lee and Mike take Beckahm and Bentlee (aka Captain America and Ironman) to the library for some Halloween festivities.  Beckahm was beside himself seeing his best friend come through the door dressed as Ironman; I thought he was going to pass out from excitement!! They had so much fun together! 

Halloween bags Grandma bought the kids at Barnes and Noble

 Helping girlfriends decorate for the ward trunk or treat
 Our three pumpkins that Beck's picked out at the Pumpkin patch

 Our Halloween decorations

 We did lots of crafts this October in celebration of Halloween :)

We made a Where the Wild Things Are mask and reenacted the story; Beck's loved it

Carving pumpkins; it was so cute to see Amari dig right in and get the Pumpkin guts out

 Beck's loved his pumpkin!!

 The kids getting dressed up for Halloween :)

Ward trunk or treat party.  Wendy and I didn't plan this but both Indie Rose and Amari were Robin :); so cute!!

The Quinns 

The Andersons 

 Amari's best friend Lee

 Playing musical chairs

 The Moncur Superheroes: Captain America, Robin, Spider Woman, Captain America

 Trick or Treating at the Library

 We made some yummy Halloween cupcakes for our friends; Beck's loved putting the sprinkles on

Halloween night (my wig finally came :)

My two cute superheroes

Halloween Night, trick or treating in the night with all of his AP friends 

 My little mans first Halloween.  He did so good considering it was raining and past his bed time
 I was so proud of him that he went to the door by himself.  It was impossible for me to go with him as I had to watch Amari in the stroller because Mike was working.

 I was beyond grateful for Lee and Corrie who showed up later and were able to help Amari go trick or treating. He LOVED it!

Lovin on his best buddy Lee

 Favorite picture of the night: He was beaming at this lady; his first trick or treat door

Getting home from trick or treating

Getting ready to count the candy

The kiddos in their Halloween pjs

Throw back to Halloweens in years past