- You have been crying more lately, I think you might be going through a growth spurt or you are experiencing gas from something I have been eating.
- You have become accustomed to sleeping with me and daddy and whenever you are fussy if I lay you on your tummy on my chest you immediately stop crying.
- You are such a loud sleeper; you constantly make noises when you sleep
- You have been waking up to feed 2x a night which has been super hard and exhausting on me :)
- You are still experiencing quite a bit of mucus and whenever you feed you spit up mucus with your food. You are still spitting up food out your nose verses your mouth. One Sunday we had quite the volcano erupt out of your nose; thankfully Grandma Eastman was there to assist me.
- Your brother has been so cute with you lately, I can tell he will be a great older brother to you. The other day, without him knowing I was watching, he actually tried playing with you (he kept handing you some of your toys and was a bit perplexed as to why you couldn't take them from him :). He would get close to your face and smile at you and give you kisses; it melted my heart to watch him interact with you. He is excited to teach you all sorts of things and start playing with you. Every morning he loves seeing you when he wakes and he gives you kisses goodnight and he wants to hold you during the day. You also LOVE finding him in the room whenever you hear his voice. You love watching him.
- You have become a little attached to your binkie. Today I couldn't seem to get you to stop fussing unless you had it. It was quite exhausting to put it in your mouth only to have you spit it out a few minutes later, wailing for me to put it back in again.
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