This little guy is constantly on the move; he is so good at crawling and pulling himself up now. He wants to walk so badly but we think he knows he is so good and crawling that he doesn't really care to put in the full effort of learning how to fully walk.
We have a feeling he is going to be our little wanderer (the kid that escapes from the pew at church and b lines it up to the podium :).
He is such a happy baby; weather sick or hurt, he recovers quickly from a bad attitude and goes right on being the happy, smiley baby he has always been.
He loves being surrounded by friends and is so happy when others pay attention to him. All of Beck's friends call him "Baby Mari."
He loves wheels, tires, cars, and balls.
He loves music; every time I sing, his ears perk up and he gets a big smile on his face. He even has this little jig he does when he hears music.
He is extremely independent and he very good at learning how to do things on his own. Albeit when he is done being alone he will hunt one of us down to be in our company.
Daddy turns 30!
Mike finally joined the 30s!! We celebrated by taking him on a shopping spree at Forever 21. I love shopping for Mike; he looks good in everything. It was nice to be able to relax, goof around, take our time, and reconnect as a couple. I am so grateful I have this handsome fella in my life and for all of the experience that have molded us and have helped us grown in our love for one another over the past 5 years.
Facebook Post to my man:
Happy Birthday to this sexy man in my life Mike Moncur. Welcome to the 30s dearest Mikey! I am so glad you and I are officially living in the same decade.
Instagram post:
Happy 30 @yesmikego! I am blessed to have married a man that not only has the capability of bringing sexy back, but who has the capability of bringing SNL into my home on a weekly basis. Thanks for all the great love, laughter, and memories we've shared. So excited to share the 30s with you: best decade ever #happybirthday#daddy #husband #lover
Morning loves from the kiddos
Beck's put the candles on the cake :)
Happy Birthday to you!!
Breakfast at Egg and I
Tropical Smoothie stop

Shopping spree at:
Typical Mike
Dinner: Sushi at Pacific Rim
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