There isn't a day that goes by that they don't talk about you and miss you; they absolutely adore you!
Thank you for being someone they can count on, a dad they can confide in, someone that spends quality time with them—wrestling, playing with them, teaching them, making them laugh. Thank you for instilling within them a belief that they are good enough just the way they are, that they are powerful beyond what their young little minds can presently understand, and that they are forever and always unconditional loved.
Happy Fathers Day! 

Sweet rolls, caramelized bacon, gifts, hugs, snuggles, laughs, naps, songs, wrestling, roast beef dinner and a massage...what more could a dad ask for

the boys wanted to buy a shaving kit so Mike could teach them how to shave :)
Yummy chocolate banana pudding pie
ending the night with some wrestling!
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