Look who we ran into at the gym :)
We were at Play it Again Sports and I ran Amari into the restroom. When I came out I couldn't find Becks. I eventually found him sobbing on the floor in the back, hiding. He was holding his hand which was bleeding. He had sat on some workout equipment and caught his finger in the weights and slammed it on it. He bruised his nail bed pretty bad. Poor little guy!
This is exactly how I felt today (and let's be real, probably looked
π) when I got punched in the stomach 10 times....oh and then the head 10 times....oh and then the face 10 times

Did I cry? NO! I got back up and punched him in the face, kicked him under the rib cage, and kneed him in the butt
π³. It only took the inner feistiness in me 3 out of 6 rounds to come out, but hey, better late than never (where she came from even surprised myself....it's a good thingshe's kept bottled upinside haha).

I've got a long way to go, a lot more bruises to obtain, and a lot more chiropractor visits in my future. Things are gettin REAL.
Grateful I found trainers I vibe with, trainers that can teach me their wealth of knowledge and trainers that don't view my sex as a reason to not keep it real. It's like I told Beckahm when he asked why I wanted to keep going if I got hit: "you gotta get hit in order to get good. The goal is to never give up and to keep on going no matter what." Here's to surviving an hour of training + my first 6/3 minute rounds with a male, professional boxer who is twice my weight.
My takeaway today: I may not cry getting smashed in the face, but I may have a melt down having to retire my hats when I box
π₯ (sad day for realzzzz). I may just super glue them to my head
π‘ #fighter #boxing#kickboxing #mma #trainhard #workhard #nevergiveup #keepgoing#thisisonlythebeginning #womenwhofight

The best kinda Indian summer nights

Beckahm made his brother frozen yogurt pops....they thoroughly enjoyed them in our bed 

We found these 3 kids on the side of the road; we thought they were pretty cute so we took them to church with us
π @cathyw815 #churchisbetterwithfriends

Moss Rock for a hike, the park to wear them out even more, McDonald's for dinner + movie night: Captain Underpants #youdthinktheydallpassoutbynow #familyof5
The first of many bruises to come #gettingstrongereveryday #kickboxing#womenwhofight #boxing #whatdpesntkillyoumakesyoustronger #strength#power #skill
So So proud of this kid! Already riding without training wheels!! I think doing the strider at the bmx track helped him because all of a sudden one afternoon he just did it! I loved seeing how proud of himself he was.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/l2eBCrFjS5M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Celebrating afterwards
Daily Exercise After the Gym
Mama's Boy Through and Through
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