Church Easter Egg Hunt 

Easter Sunday best (yes, I bought them suits FINALLY)! Such handsome boys!
Easter/Spring Festival at Oak Mountain. We made a day of it and went to the beach, went on a nature hike, and Becks got to ride on the BMX track! Such a great way to spend a beautiful spring day!
And it was over in 2 seconds—Mayhem personified
Mike braving the freezing cold water; Beckahm following suit and regretting every single minute of it. Amari and I were the only smart ones :)
Easter Morning: finding their baskets—the Easter Bunny was tricky this year, he hid their baskets in the attic
Easter Breakfast!

Easter Dinner
FHE on the atonement and the resurrection of the Savior!
He is such a trickster! He got his brother with a piece of broccoli wrapped up in a sucker and a raisin pushed inside his dads toothpaste. His dad got revenge by drawing on his face while he was asleep. He freaked out when he saw himself while trying to make a video on the iPad the next morning. HAHA! He loves April fools!
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