- You are just starting to get your bottom teeth in
- You lost a bit of an interest in learning to walk because you crawl so well
- You love music. Every time I turn on music you start dancing. You really love any toy or book that makes sound.
- You love wrestling.
- You love it when brother gives you kisses goodnight; you let out the cutest little laugh
- You don't like holding still when we try and change your clothes. You are quite the mover; always on the go
- You love pestering your brother (at least he thinks thats what it is but you just love being around him. You love his hair and try to touch it whenever you get the chance)
- You love touching our faces and our mouths; you love putting your fingers in our mouth.
- You know how to give kisses; when we say "Amari, give me a kiss," you give kisses.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/P7GNRZ7TKdI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- You started learning how to wave hello and goodbye
- You are now more interested in pulling things out of the cupboards and exploring items in the kitchen
- You LOVED Meeka (Uncle Daves dog). Every time you got to see her while in AZ you followed her around and wanted to be near her. You would jump on her, pet her, and give her kisses
- You love being outside; you love going on walks (as long as we are walking and not standing still for a long period of time).
- You have started putting up a fuss about getting in your car seat
- You have to have your binkie when you sleep but other than that you are not reliant upon it
- You are so good at playing by yourself for short periods of time.
- You love balls and truck
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