And just like that he’s all grown up and going off to his first week of summer camp
⛺️. Such a cutie! He was a little bit nervous walking into the dining hall for breakfast but he aced the day like the champ he is! He had to partner with a buddy—they stayed with each other all day. They raised the flag, sang camp songs (which he proceeded to sing till he went to bed
😂), swam in the pool, learned how to get out from under a
🛶 and how to row; played field games, learned how to play Jacks, ate lunch (he loved the salad
☺️); shopped at the snack shack (he chose a bracelet—of course, airhead and a juice). He’s pumped about going back for two more days and then another week in July. Amari on the other hand was so sad being without his sidekick all day—it’s the first time they have been apart for a whole year. He loves his big brother Beckahm
❤️ #summatime #campfletcher#summercamp

We got to attend a camp fundraiser one morning with Becks: pancake breakfast. Fun to see him and Amari interact with the other campers :)
Duck crossing on the way home
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