1st Stop Dallas! We LOVE Dallas Airport: 3 hour layover, so grateful for the kids play place. Also Becks got to try a croissant for the first time; he loved it!
They are the best lil’ travelers , not one single complaint; they did so so good!
No excuses, you can always get a workout in anywhere
Cutest little Pilots
Made it to Utah, where the grass is green and the girls are...well, Mormon

The first thing you do when you get to Utah is grab Mexican food (we are deprived in the south :
I think we’ve spent the majority of this trip so far driving (trips to Jareds, trips to appointments, trips to see family, trips to go on adventures and to see Utah...they have been such troopers) 

They loved seeing Maile and they loved jumping with their cousins the whole time they were there.
2nd Day: Sundance (the boys first time there)—back to where I used to night ski as a teen. Fun showing the boys parts of where I grew up. It’s so gorgeous here. So fun hanging out with my adorable niece. Love her soooo much! Amari just clung to her the entire time; he loves Maile!
Yummy Lobster rolls for lunch, then an awesome Hike to Bloods Lake—breathtaking! We hiked around the lake and found a rope swing—so proud of Maile for jumping in and for the boys who were so brave swinging on it!
Then off to a music/food festival at night.
Seriously the best day: great food, great hike, great music, great laughs, great memories. My kinda summer day

Heber Summer Music Festival
Fair + Strawberry Days Rodeo. So fun to see my other sister and her kiddos! Becks and Jaida hit it off immediately—little chit chatters

Strawberry Days Festivities
Strawberry Days Rodeo. The boys first rodeo. They were super excited to see what their Grandpa used to do (yep he was a Bronco/bull rider—cowboy through and through). They loved every minute of it up until Amari saw them wrangling and dragging little Ferdinand’s around the arena. I didn’t get it on camera but it’s a moment that will forever be burned into his poor little brain. Tears started streaming down his face and he kept yelling out “stupid cowboys, stupid horses, leave them alone!”
😂 no but really
😥#lovehate #strawberrydays #rodeo #giddyup #summatime

+ pics I stole from my sisters IG because, well, they were to cute not to add to my collection

Jaidas baptism. So nice seeing my older brother and being there for Jaidas special day!
My sister always does a great job hosting events! Food was great, company was excellent, and the kiddos had a blast swimming all afternoon.
Not sure why we even try to take normal pictures...these ones always turn out better any how
😁 #family #thecandidshots

Love these two; snapchattin away at the baptism
They loved Aunt Deirdre's pool!
BBQ and smores! And Jaxen took us on the Razor! The boys loved it!
Love watching them play! They all love video games. This was one of Beckahms favorite times spent with Jaxen. Jaxen thought it was pretty cool that Becks was so good

Jumps and movie night under the stars. We ended up sleeping out there; so surprised the boys lasted all night long.
So fun being able to go see Maile rehearse for her play Willy Wonka!
Love this breakfast!!
Gorgeous hike to Bridal Veil Falls! Where I grew up—brought back a lot of memories! The kids loved climbing the rocks up to the waterfall
So fun taking the kids here!

I'll always have your back!
Movie with this stud, yummy pizza, and Mailes Outdoor Willy Wonka rehearsal. Grateful for these memories I created with my niece, nephew and sister

Snap Chat with Mar-Dawg!
I love how he makes friends so easily
😍. So fun to see him interact with my friends sisters kids who we just so happened to run into at my brother in laws office @corriejanelle so sorry we missed you but I gave a big squeeze vicariously through your sister to you
❤️. She’s got such adorable kiddos!! #makesfriendseverywhere

Ummmmm this place deserves a solo post. Best. Food. Eva. They get their lobster
🦐 from Maine. Love the decor, love the food. Took me back to when I lived in Maine
😋 #slapfish #parkcity #lobstercrabroll#lobstertaquitos #clamchowderfries #fishandchips

Fun in Park City with my sisters and their kiddos. It’s so gorgeous up there! This was Becks first time riding the Alpine Slide; he LOVED it! Spent the rest of the day playing at Aunt Michelle’s
❤️ #parkcity #summatime

Snowcone Heaven
Best. Game. Eva. Pee my pants every time I play it #rollick
Jaxen thanked me for introducing this song to him and then he listened to it a thousand times afterwards
😄. We exchanged playlists, and favorite movies. He’s got good taste in
🎶 and

I love Amari singing his cute little heart out to this song.
Boys will be boys!
I think Jaxen hit everything on their trip bucket list: razor rides, jumps on the tramp, video games, wrestling, playing, and ending it off with a ride on the hover board 

Bahaha he fell in love with the cat I swear (no pun intended
😹). Hopefully his draw to this card that he begged me to buy for him is not an indication of his future tendencies
🤐 #hedgetitfrommeanyway 

Back to ALABAMA we go
✈️....he’s just excited he gets to spend 5 hours playing on his iPad and watching
🎥 #howdidmyparentseverdoit#goodbyeutah #sweethomealabama

2 flights: first stop VEGAS. 3 hour layover = running them up and down every escalator and moving sidewalk in our terminal, hoping on every tram in every terminal, riding the elevator, pushing each other in wheelchairs, doing some homework and grabbing some Jamba
🥤. Last leg: 3hrs to Bham—such a gorgeous sunset to welcome us home
🌅. It was such a lonnnnng day of traveling: 13hrs! They did AWESOME; they seriously are the easiest travelers!

OKAY so despite #lasvegasairport not having a “play place” in our terminal (do they have one in ANY terminal??), this airport has my heart for COOLEST murals EVER! The boys (well, Beckahm, let’s be honest
😏) wanted to get a picture standing in front of every city. One day he will have pictures standing in front of the real thing
😍 #seetheworld #travel

His first job!
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